Sunday, March 13, 2011

Science Students (sometimes) piss me off.

...despite being friends with quite a few of them.

Let's ignore totally ignorant asses like Derek. But even then, the ones that are okay most of the time are not when you reach the science superiority complex thing.
It's like innate? They think they got more secure prospects ("WHAT the hell are you going to do in history?") and that science makes sense, it contributes to the world, etc. etc.

This is so fucking tiring.
WHAT world are you contributing to?
WHAT lens do you look through at the world? And asses like Derek don't count. You know the one, they watched or read too much damn fiction/anime about emotionless, logical characters and want to emulate them because they think that's attractive (mentally and/or otherwise). And then they worship scientists who "revolutionized" the world by putting the world into pure logic.
To these boys and gells: Just saying, the "Scientific Revolution" came partly from Alchemy, okay. And Newton was a mystic of sorts.
No, that's right, I'm serious.
But I mean seriously, I don't even need to tell anyone what a whack Einstein was, right?

But yeah, these people? My pet peeve.

"I wonder if Naruto is coming out next week? =D" ? And then some explanation to defend about economy will help Japan.

I might be overthinking, as per usual, but there are two things.
1) The explanation is bull.
2) The assholeness is intentional. So they can smear shit with logic's name and then give the bullcrap explanation.

But let's give him the benefit of the doubt that the assholeness was sincere, as in, Derek was sincere in thinking purely how lost life cannot be regained (no shit, sherlock) and economics will help rebuild Japan.
Where the fuck is the emotion? A person cannot maintain to live by without emotion and compassion. I don't believe they can, unless you're sociopathic. And even then, (dare I trespass with my opinions unsupported and un-reasearched into this field) I don't know how sociopath's brain function, although I'm sure some psychology student will enlighten me... but how certain is it, exactly?
Okay, complete digression. Anyway, yeah, so stop pretending. Poser of nothing good here, run along and emulate someone else.

Smaller peeving moments:

"Non science students are not human." or something.
My reaction: Is that a joke? What? That doesn't even make sense. Scientifically speaking.

Picture of a naked mole rat baring its teeth:
Him: "What you think this looks like?"
Me: "Looks like a cornered mole rat."
Him: "Ah, what do you know, you're an English major."
1) I'm a HISTORY major.
2) ...W...t...f? This is a logic fail? I'm not a science student so I can't tell the rat's expression? Great, so if I see an angry dog, clearly I'd approach it. And pat it. On the nose. And brush its teeth because it's baring them at me, right?!
I'm sure according to Darwin then, we'll all die soon because we can't tell angry animal faces.
But stereotypically, aren't history students more sensitive to these sort of things anyway?

I'm not saying all science students are like this, of course. But I'd say 9 out of every 10 at least? ...Does this get better with age or is it just because I'm in university and I'm still young or some shit like that?

Seriously kids, stop looking at the world through a loophole.


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